Nome shek Chiene – Banana Fritters

Ingredients :

  • 8 small banana hard enough
  • 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds
  • 50 g of palm sugar
  • 50 g of rice flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut milk
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • baking paper

Preparation :

In a bowl mix the rice flour, sesame seeds, sugar and salt.

Add eggs and coconut milk gradually and mix . The mixture should have the consistency of thick pancake batter.

Peel the bananas and put them between two square of parchment paper and flatten slightly with a plate without transforming them into puree.

Heat oil in a saucepan or deep fryer on high heat.

Dip bananas in batter and fry in oil in small quantities and turning often. Until will be brown and crispy, then reduce heat to medium because the oil is very hot and the rest of the banana fritters that you will cook, will have the outside of the donuts cooked too fast and will remain raw inside and pasty.

Serve hot immediately.

Tips: you can use wall plantains, cut them in half lengthwise and then into pieces of about 7 cm and you are not obliged to flatten them.

Anecdotes : The banana fritter dessert is very appreciated especially young Cambodians. They can be eaten as a dessert or as a snack. You can buy in small street shop or at hawker.