Ingredients :
- 600 g of japanese rice
- 1 carrot
- 1 cucumber
- 2 or 3 sausages Knackis
- 3 eggs
- white radish (danmuji) pickled
- 70 g of Surimi
- salt
- Sesame oil
- Sesame seeds
- 2-3 nori seaweed
Preparation :
Wash the rice until the water runs clear and drain.
Put the rice in a bowl add salt, sesame oil, sesame seeds and mix. Cook rice in a rice-cooker and when the rice is cooked put to a bowl and let cool.
Cut white radish, cucumber and surimi into strips and reserve.
Cut sausage and carrots into strips and fry in a lightly oiled skillet and set aside. Break the eggs and make an omelet then cut into strips.
Place a nori seaweed on a bamboo special mat for maki and sushi, spread the rice and leave a quarter of the sheet without rice.
The layer of rice will be a little thinner on that side to prevent the Kimbap to have a bump when you roll. Put the vegetables, surimi or Knacki on rice, then roll up.
Refrigerate 1 hour.
Cut into slice and serve with sauce.
Tips: In Korea, there are Kimbap with kimchi, but there are many variations.
Anecdotes: In Korea, we eat often Kimbap when we go to a picnic or snacks.