Misoshiru – Miso Soup

Ingredients :

  • 80 cl of water
  • 3 tablesspoons of Miso
  • 1 teaspoon of dashi powder
  • 100 g of tofu very firm
  • 10 g of fresh or dried wakame

Preparation :

Cut tofu into cubes and boil water then add the dashi is bring to a boil over medium heat.

Cook for 5 minutes then add the wakame and stop the fire, because the wakame inflates quickly enough.

Put miso paste in a bowl and add a little broth and mix for dissolve it.

Always off the heat pour a small amount of miso in the broth then tasted, adjust according to your taste by adding progressively the mixture.


Tips : you can vary your miso soup as you like but taking care that the doses of miso, dashi and water. Always prepare in advance before serving and do not boil the miso soup again otherwise it will lose flavor.
Warning some miso paste may also contain dashi, if this is the case do not add dashi because it will give a very salty taste to your miso soup.

Anecdotes : The miso soup is a dish very appreciate of Japanese, she is consumed either breakfast or as a starter.